If you have your heart set on a pubg mobile Lite version then you need to be sure that you have the correct file or settings that are needed for the game to run. Lucky for us, there is a Config file for this game that will help you make the right decision as to which settings and files are required for the best performance. The Config file is the core of any Lite version game and it will determine everything from the coin counter, to the amount of money you will earn, how high your score will be and how many levels there are to the game. It is a very important file and one that need to be taken care of. In order to help you out, here are some helpful tips to use when downloading a Config file:
- You want the file to be in the "Resources" folder. This folder will always be found at the bottom of your home page in the mobile browser. It is easy to miss so try and find it before you begin. The important part is that you have the right pubg mobile lite high damage config file associated with the downloads.
- Use the sniper system in the downloads. This is a must have feature for any pubg mobile lite wall hack config. This is going to give you an instant recoil when you fire a weapon without pressing the necessary keys. The recoil attribute will also come in handy if you need to aim down the sights and are using the reticule feature of the cross bow. This feature is really useful if you love pulling targets with accuracy.
- You need a pubg mobile lite high damage config file to use the "Decrease Hip Recoil." This will allow the player to make the crossbow move more naturally while firing. Just about every other free-config does not allow this or does very little in terms of movement.
- The last thing you need is a high damage config pubg mobile lite download that allows you to tweak the "ADS movement velocity." This will help get more distance out of each shot. The more you have the movement velocity, the faster you will move. If you can move faster, then you can stay away from being at the mercy of gravity. This is important because you want to have more mobility for getting out of sticky situations.
If you really want the freebie, go for the "Decrease Hip Recoil" config. This will increase recoil by quite a bit. This is mostly handy when you are firing from a moving platform or from a rooftop. Most players will never use this, but it's there if you need it. Just look for it on the pubg mobile lite high damage config file download.
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